General English + conversation 20 lessons per week
Levels: Elementary - Level A1, Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1, Proficient - Level C2
These English language classes combine a semi-intensive course (GE15) and five workshops. During the first session, you will improve your English language abilities while looking at all the four language skills: Speaking, Listening, reading and writing. Workshops are designed to focus on a specific skill such as grammar, vocabulary or writing. These are an opportunity to receive extra tuition and to further practice skills being studied during the term in a small group.
1-3 Chesilton Road, London, United Kingdom
There is no student reviews for this school
Number of classrooms: 18
Average nº of student per classroom: 15
Minimum student age: 16
Level test on first day:
Distance from the airport: around 25 km.
Closest airport: Heathrow
Year school opened: 1990
School opening times: 8:00 - 18:00
School close dates: Show