General English 20 lessons per week
Levels: Beginner, Elementary - Level A1, Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1, Proficient - Level C2
With a focus on fluency, the General and Semi-Intensive English courses allow you to improve your English giving you a practical understanding of the language and how to use it. You will focus on the 4 skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. You will improve your level and maximise your ability to use English.
Dolphin Place, Manchester Street, Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom
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Number of classrooms: 33
Average nº of student per classroom:
Minimum student age: 16
Level test on first day:
Distance from the airport: km.
Closest airport:
Year school opened: 1982
School opening times: 8:30 - 17:00
School close dates: Show
•Placement Tests: At school you will sit a placement test and attend a Welcome Talk which will provide information to help you during your stay. After your first break you will be given your timetable and start your classes on day 1. Students who wish to sit exam courses or some specialist courses may be required to take a pre
•test and complete a needs analysis before they arrive. You will be given information about this when you book. Your First Day At school you will receive a Welcome Talk.