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Score: 95%

Based on 1 student reviews.
"The only disappointing thing was the local busses service, the 225 never arrived. In my opinion it ..."
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Course type

Total price

No. of Students

Course title: General English 20 lessons/wk
Course hours: 09:00 - 12:30
Minimum age: 16
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There are places available
Days of the course: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Maximum class size: 12
School admin. fee: €50.00 tooltip Average number of students: 10
Lesson duration: 45 minutes Course materials: €21.00 Mandatory and not included tooltip
Course certificate: Yes  
Levels: Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1
With a focus on fluency, the General and Semi-Intensive English courses allow you to improve your English giving you a practical understanding of the language and how to use it. You will focus on the 4 skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. You will improve your level and maximise your ability to use English.
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Course title: Intensive English 30 lessons/wk
Course hours: 09:00 - 16:00
Minimum age: 16
Book now
There are places available
Days of the course: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Maximum class size: 12
School admin. fee: €45.00 tooltip Average number of students: 10
Lesson duration: 45 minutes Course materials: Mandatory and not included
Course certificate: Yes  
Levels: Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1
For students who want to dedicate more time to reaching their English goals quickly and personalise their course through a choice of electives, the Intensive course offers a chance to gain greater fluency and accuracy in a short period of time.
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Course title: Mini group 20 lessons/wk
Course hours: 09:00 - 12:30
Minimum age: 16
Book now
There are places available
Days of the course: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Maximum class size: 6
School admin. fee: €45.00 tooltip Average number of students: 3
Lesson duration: 45 minutes Course materials: Mandatory and not included
Course certificate: Yes  
Levels: Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1
Are you highly motivated? Do you only have a short period of time to study? Do you want to receive a greater level of individual attention? Want to improve your English quickly? Then the Mini-Group course is the perfect English course for you! Small class sizes let your teachers create lessons which are completely focused on your development.
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Course title: Mini group 30 lessons/wk
Course hours: 09:00 - 16:00
Minimum age: 16
Book now
There are places available
Days of the course: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Maximum class size: 6
School admin. fee: €45.00 tooltip Average number of students: 3
Lesson duration: 45 minutes Course materials: Mandatory and not included
Course certificate: Yes  
Levels: Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1
Are you highly motivated? Do you only have a short period of time to study? Do you want to receive a greater level of individual attention? Want to improve your English quickly? Then the Mini-Group course is the perfect English course for you! Small class sizes let your teachers create lessons which are completely focused on your development.
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Course title: Ready to work in business (intens - 30)
Course hours: 09:00 - 16:00
Minimum age: 16
Book now
There are places available
Days of the course: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Maximum class size: 12
School admin. fee: €45.00 tooltip Average number of students: 10
Lesson duration: 45 minutes Course materials: Mandatory and not included
Course certificate: Yes  
Levels: Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1
If you want an international career in a global workplace, this intensive English course is a big help. Develop the fluency, accuracy and communication skills you need to work confidently in the English-speaking business world. Every week you will take 30 lessons: 20 lessons of General English and 10 lessons of Business English
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Course title: Ready to work in business - Mini Group
Course hours: 09:00 - 12:30
Minimum age: 23
Book now
There are places available
Days of the course: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Maximum class size: 6
School admin. fee: €45.00 tooltip Average number of students: 3
Lesson duration: 45 minutes Course materials: Mandatory and not included
Course certificate: Yes  
Levels: Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1
Business English Mini Group course is designed to help you make maximum progress in a short time. What can you expect on this course? The aim of this English course is to focus on the professionals skills you need for international business communication. This course may include: Telephone English The language of business meetings Making presentations Critical thinking and problem solving Conducting negotiations Writing professional reports, emails and letters When you arrive, you will discuss with your teacher what you want to learn about in class. Your teacher will then plan a programme that covers these topics. On your course you will meet other business English students from different nationalities. This is a great chance for you to learn about foreign business cultures and possibly make some useful business contacts.
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Course title: TOEFL Intensive Exam Preparation 4 weeks
Course hours: 09:00 - 16:00
Minimum age: 16
from €290.00
per week
Book now
Days of the course: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Maximum class size: 12
School admin. fee: €45.00 tooltip Average number of students: 10
Lesson duration: 45 minutes Course materials: Mandatory and not included
Course certificate: Yes  
Levels: Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1
You’ll get more out of this course if: *You wish to enter university in a native English speaking country. *You want an internationally recognised English qualification for your future profession. *You want better opportunities for future employment. *You are serious about improving all areas of your English and gaining a highly respected English qualification. What can you expect on this course? At the beginning of the course, instructors meet with students individually to set goals and carry out an assessment. Students are then able to track their progress through weekly practice exams and quizzes. Many students know that English alone is not enough to prepare them for the TOEFL. To succeed on this test, students need specialised exam skills and strategies. Focus is placed upon teaching effective exam techniques. Your course will cover: Speaking Learn the speaking skills you need to talk confidently on a number of topics in order to take the speaking test. Practicing with your teacher will make your English sound more natural. Listening Improve your listening ability. We will teach you a variety of listening strategies, such as listening for gist and listening for detail. You will get the chance to listen to different English accents. Writing Become a better writer by learning the methods and strategies needed to successfully take the writing section of the test. Your ability to write a long descriptive essay is important if you want to do well. Reading Practice reading a variety of real academic papers. You will be taught to scan, read for general meaning and details. You will also learn how to restate and make inferences. Support You will be monitored by your teacher, given feedback while also being assessed on your performance through a number of assignments. You will use authentic test materials to prepare you fully for your test. You will participate in regular sample tests, and prepare for all sections of the TOEFL test.
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Course title: IELTS 4 weeks
Course hours: 09:00 - 16:00
Minimum age: 16
from €290.00
per week
Book now
Days of the course: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Maximum class size: 12
School admin. fee: €45.00 tooltip Average number of students: 10
Lesson duration: 45 minutes Course materials: Mandatory and not included
Course certificate: Yes  
Levels: Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1
You’ll get more out of this course if: -You wish to enter university in a native English-speaking country. -You want an internationally recognised English qualification for your future profession. -You want better career opportunities. -You are serious about improving all areas of your English and gaining a highly respected qualification. What can you expect on this course? At the beginning of the course, you will meet with your teacher individually to set your goals and carry out an assessment. You will then be able to track your progress through weekly practice exams and quizzes. English knowledge alone is not enough to prepare you for the IELTS. To really do well on this test, you need specialised skills and strategies. Focus is placed upon teaching effective exam techniques. Your course will cover: Speaking Learn the speaking skills you need to talk confidently on a number of topics in order to take the one-to-one interview. Our experienced teachers will practice with you so your English sounds natural. Listening Improve your listening ability. We will teach you a variety of listening strategies, such as listening for gist and listening for detail. You will get the chance to listen to different English accents. Writing Become a better writer by learning the methods and strategies needed to successfully take the writing section of the test. Your ability to write a long descriptive essay is important if you want to do well. Reading Practice reading a number of real academic writings. Learn how to scan, read for general meaning and details. These are just a few of the reading skills you be taught. Support Your English teacher will give you feedback on your progress and help you with any problems you are having. You will also be assessed on your performance through a number of assignments and homework. We will give you real test materials to prepare you fully including regular sample tests.
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Accommodation type

Total price

No. of Students

3 - Transfer

Transfer from and/or to the airport

Total price

No. of Students


Booking Summary

To book please select the number of students besides the course you would like to book

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General information: EC Malta

Number of classrooms: 70

Average nº of student per classroom: 10

Minimum student age: 16

Level test on first day:

Distance from the airport: km.

Closest airport: Malta intenational

Year school opened: 1991

School opening times: 8:30 - 17:00

School close dates: Show


Coffee shop
Computer room
Eating area
Free internet access
Internet WIFI
Self study material
Social activities
Student room
Study room
Tea / Coffee

Accreditations and quality seals

Student information

•You will receive a Adult Handbook either on arrival at the airport, or at your accommodation. Adult Handbook contains a map with useful information to help you make the most of your time in Malta. On the front of the Welcome Pack also is clearly stated the time and date that you are expected to arrive at EC Malta for your placement test.

Terms & Conditions: EC Malta

- Services must be paid in full 14 days before the course starts in order to complete the enrolment and secure a place in the course and/or accommodation.
- Bookings are not transferable.
- Bank charges are payable by students

Cancellation policy

- The cancellation needs to be communicated in writing to the school by the person who booked the course.
- Enrolment fee is non-refundable.
- The registration fee is non-refundable.

Refund policy

- Bookings may be cancelled up to 2 weeks prior to commencement of the course without penalty or fee
- If a course is cancelled more than 1 days before the start date, the following charges will apply:
- registration fee
- 1 week tuition

Visa refusal

- If an entry visa is not granted and the School is informed more than days before the start date, the following charges will apply:
- registration fee
- week tuition
- The remaining balance will be refunded to the student upon receipt of an original VISA refusal letter.

Other terms

.Testing Schedule
January - April | 8:30 am
May & June | 8:15 am
July & August | 7:45 am
September | 8:15 am
October - December | 8:30 am

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Booking with us is really easy. You just have to go to the link of the school you are interested in. Where it says COURSE and then START, you select the dates you wish to study there. Afterwards, you select how many weeks you want to study.

You then select the course you wish to attend. You can add optional services, such as accommodation and airport transfer. If you would like to add these additional services, you need to go further down the page where you will find the section relating to ACCOMMODATION. You select the option of the type of accommodation you want (You do not have to select the dates here if they are the same as the course - they are automatically selected).
After the Accommodation, you have another option,  that of TRANSFER. This option allows you to book a transport that will pick you up at the airport and will take you to your residence or host family.

Once you have selected all these options, on your right hand side, you are going to see a summary of your reservation with all the information about the course and the accommodation, together with their prices. Also, the deposit you have to pay will be displayed there. You just have to press the Orange Button that says BOOK NOW and this will take you to another page to enter your personal details. When you are booking you only have to pay the little deposit. After that, we will contact the school and request your booking. When your booking is confirmed by the school or host, they will hold your place until the your booking balance is paid in full. The same applies for the accommodation. You can pay either with credit card, paypal account or bank transfer; as you prefer. This deposit you pay now will be discounted from the total price. The rest of the money will not have to be paid until 15 days before your course starts. In any case, you will be receiving emails about your deposit payments; and also, reminders about the rest of the money when it needs to be paid.
Best price guaranteed: 100% guaranteed  that you pay the lowest price. We offer you the lowest possible course rates - you never pay more than if you booked directly with the school itself or anywhere else. Besides, our service is free. We do not charge for any booking fees.

Trust & Safety:
We are a marketplace that promotes trust and collaboration. This is the reason why we have built the best ever class tools and services to surely assist and hone you into making the right decisions. Find students' reviews, host references, school quality seals and accreditations, ... learn more

Customer Support:
If you ever need assistance, you will always be able to call our customer support whether you are a host, a school, a guest or a student. Before, during and after your course, we are here for you. You can easily contact our experienced and friendly consultants. We are always a click away from e-mail, phone call, skype or even live chat!

Your booking 100% confirmed: It is very unlikely that something goes wrong with your booking once confirmed by the school. In fact we are so confident, that if you do not achieve a place for a course at the selected school, we will credit your account with your full deposit and find another possible alternative for you.
The start dates of intensive and standard language courses are generally flexible. If you have some basic knowledge of the language, you will be able to start any Monday of the year at almost any school. If you are a total beginner, courses usually start once or twice a month.
You should be aware that language schools have more students in July and August than during any other time of year, which means that course fees, housing prices and the overall cost of living are often more expensive during this time. If you would like to book a course in July or August, you should do so very early: schools have limited spots and might be booked well in advance for the high season. Your chances to get your preferred housing type are also greater if you book your course early. Housing options near the school are especially difficult to secure in the summer and tend to fill up quickly.
Language courses during the low season (September to June) are not only less expensive, but also have smaller classes. If you are able to wait to take your courses during this time you will pay less for your courses, and  you may even receive better housing, since demand is much lower. Please, review this information within the language course details on the language school page.
 You can find the availability status underneath each price on the school / host page. Nevertheless, if you submit a reservation request and your place is not available, the deposit paid will be 100% refunded.