Spanish One to One 10 lessons per week
Levels: Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1, Proficient - Level C2
These courses are designed for students who have a limited amount of time or who are interested in a specific subject, such as business or legal Spanish.
The teacher coordinates the course according to the student's interest.
One to One courses have the following characteristics:
1. Classes may begin any day.
2. Classes last 55 minutes.
3. The student can choose at what time to start.
4. If the student takes more than 2 classes per day, we offer the option of a different teacher for each class
Arenal, 26-3ºD, Madrid, Spain
The below reviews were submited by students who studied at EUREKA Madrid
Students tips help you choose the right language school for you. These are opinions of students that reflect their experiences when studying at this school and do not express the opinion of
This way, you get an idea of just how good the school really is.
Individual student reviews about EUREKA Madrid
Number of classrooms: 12
Average nº of student per classroom: 6
Minimum student age: 16
Level test on first day:
Distance from the airport: 17 km km.
Closest airport: Madrid Barajas
Year school opened: 1988
School opening times: 8:45 - 21:00
School close dates: Show