English conversation 10 lessons per week
Levels: Upper Intermediate - Level B2
To develop speaking skills
To develop the right vocabulary for different speaking situations
To develop sentence variety
To provide speaking opportunities
To instill confidence
2nd Floor, Shankar House, Bangalore, India
There is no student reviews for this school
Number of classrooms: 17
Average nº of student per classroom: 12
Minimum student age: 16
Level test on first day:
Distance from the airport: 40 km.
Closest airport: Bengaluru International Airport
Year school opened: 1996
School opening times: 9:00 - 9:00
School close dates: Show
•Valuepoint Academy's strength is its highly customer oriented approach. "Students' satisfaction is our mission" Valuepoint Academy has highly trained,certfied and experienced trainers Been in training business since 1996 Students from 30 different countries The distinction of training more than 20000 participants Extensive experience in conducting Corporate trainings A diverse and cosmopolitan atmosphere. An environment conducive to faster and better learning All centers have state of the ar