« Return to search | Avda San Miguel, 19 , Vejer de la Frontera, Spain (Show Map)

Score: 97%

Based on 2 student reviews.
" This is an excellent small school where I felt very welcome from the minute I arrived. Vejer is a l..."

The below reviews were submited by students who studied at Colegio de Español, La Janda

Students tips help you choose the right language school for you. These are opinions of students that reflect their experiences when studying at this school and do not express the opinion of LanguageBookings.com

This way, you get an idea of just how good the school really is.

Score   97%
  Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent  
Facilities 90%
Location 100%
Fun 100%
Teaching 100%

Individual student reviews about Colegio de Español, La Janda

Reviews are ordered by language and date. Maximum 25 comments per page

2 reviews
I've been in La Janda for 2 weeks taking daily lessons. Had an incredible time and substantially improved my Spanish skills. Everyone at the school - both teachers and administration team alike, have been nothing short of excellent. Vejer is one of the nicest towns I've ever been to and offered beautiful architecture, high-quality and affordable accommodation, great food and lovely bars, making the experience outside school hours very enjoyable. I will most definitely return as soon as possi

This is an excellent small school where I felt very welcome from the minute I arrived. Vejer is a lovely little town, the school is in an interesting and attractive building and the teachers and staff are incredibly helpful. The lessons were fun, we laughed a lot and I learnt a lot. My fellow students were nice too. I had worried that as a middleaged woman on my own I would feel a bit lonely and left out. I need not have worried! Full marks! I will go again, as soon as I can afford it. Annie

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