Score: 80%

Based on 3 student reviews.
"Bonjour à tous!! J'aimerais remercier l'école A2Z pour sa qualité d'enseignement et pour organis..."

The below reviews were submited by students who studied at A2Z School of English - Manchester

Students tips help you choose the right language school for you. These are opinions of students that reflect their experiences when studying at this school and do not express the opinion of

This way, you get an idea of just how good the school really is.

Score   80%
  Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent  
Facilities 73%
Location 86%
Fun 73%
Teaching 86%

Individual student reviews about A2Z School of English - Manchester

Reviews are ordered by language and date. Maximum 25 comments per page

3 reviews
Bonjour à tous!! J'aimerais remercier l'école A2Z pour sa qualité d'enseignement et pour organiser régulièrement des activités et voyages passionnants à travers la Grande Bretagne! Je recommande fortement cette école pour les étudiants souhaitant vivre une expérience exceptionnelle à Manchester, Londres ou Dublin et soucieux de progresser rapidement. A2Z a la solution pour vous aider à réussir vos examens et réaliser vos rêves!! :)

I was in A2Z, in my opinion they are lairs. They closed three days due to problems with the pipes and not returned me the money. They told me that they refund me the money if I send a email. I emailed a few claims by email without answer. they didn´t reply me, they did so only when I put my opinion in a forum. Answering me in the forum. Now a days I lose my money. I had to pay with a card before you start the classes when they give the option of paying with 15 days later than the first day
Reply from A2Z School of English - Manchester: Dear Alberto, We only want our students to pay for the courses which they have booked. You made a booking through our website and you saved the enrolment fee, which was £30, thanks to our current promotion. You have made false allegations about A2Z. All our students were offered extra classes due to the unexpected problem with the pipes. There have not been other complaints regarding the issue. Kind regards, A2Z Team

Hi everybody, I’m Paola and I want to deeply thank A2Z School of English to have given to me the opportunity to take my traineeship in England. I won Erasmus Placement at University of Naples “L’Orientale” and, even though I selected different schools and companies, A2Z was the only one that accepted my proposal. The work environment is fantastic, I have met wonderful people and I’m sure that some of them are more than colleagues. Moreover, I decided to attend a Business English course twice a week so I have noticed the real effectiveness of the school. All teachers are well-qualified, experienced and friendly. Furthermore, I met students from all over the world: Germany, France, China, Korea, Columbia… how wonderful is to see people of different cultures and traditions linked by English! In conclusion, I definitely recommend this school.

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