Total Price

Private Lessons 20

Habla Ya Spanish School - Panama City, Panama City, Panama

Spanish One to One 20 lessons per week

Course title
Private Lessons 20
Course hours
09:00 - 13:00
Days of the course
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
School admin. fee
€0.00 tooltip
Lesson duration
Course certificate
Minimum age
Average number of students
Course materials

Qualifications: Diplomas in Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE)

Levels: Beginner, Elementary - Level A1, Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1, Proficient - Level C2

Private Lessons 20 - There are those who simply need a private Spanish teacher because of their personal circumstances. This might be the case of those who need to develop specific language skills (medical Spanish, Spanish for business, etc.) in the shortest time frame possible or the case of those students who will only be in Panama City for a couple of days.

There may be other students who because of the way they learn, they simply need to pay more attention to a particular area and require the guidance of a private Spanish tutor. Students who have a more difficult time with their conversational or listening skills could also highly benefit from having private Spanish lessons to effectively learn Spanish.

The first advantage of having a Spanish teacher for yourself is obvious: you have the teacher just for you, no one else is in the class! This allows the Spanish class to be exactly what you want and what you need it to be. You can focus on your particular needs without worrying about the needs of other classmates.

The environment of a One to One Private Spanish Class in Panama can also help students feel more comfortable and more at ease. It may be the element required to boost their confidence and get the student speaking Spanish as fast as possible.

Habla Ya Spanish School - Panama City

Edificio Le Blue 2A, Calle 1ra (Otilia A. de Tejeira), Panama City, Panama

  • Habla Ya Spanish School - Panama City
  • Habla Ya Spanish School - Panama City
  • Habla Ya Spanish School - Panama City
  • Habla Ya Spanish School - Panama City
  • Habla Ya Spanish School - Panama City
  • Habla Ya Spanish School - Panama City
  • Habla Ya Spanish School - Panama City
  • Habla Ya Spanish School - Panama City
  • Habla Ya Spanish School - Panama City

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General information: Habla Ya Spanish School - Panama City

Number of classrooms: 12

Average nº of student per classroom: 4

Minimum student age: 18

Level test on first day:

Distance from the airport: 50 km.

Closest airport: Tocumen International Airport

Year school opened: 2014

School opening times: 9:00 - 18:00

School close dates: Show


After class/extra curricular seminars
Car parking
Disabled facilities
Internet WIFI
Snack machines
Tea / Coffee

Accreditations and quality seals

Student information

•Upon arriving to the Le Blue Building, you just need to pass the reception area and take the elevator to the first floor or be eco

•friendly and just go up one flight of stairs, and you'll be right at our door steps. You will be greeted by our Front Desk area, where you'll find our School Directors. There will always be someone there, 7 days of the week, to help you with whatever you need. If you take a right, you'll find our students' area, where you can sit down, chat with your classmates or use your laptop, connect to our wifi network and catch up with emails. The corridor at the end of this area takes you to our teachers' area and all of the school's classrooms. As we strive for academic excellence we are aware that when you're studying Spanish you require to be in a comfortable, stress free and adequate environment. Each of the classrooms at our Spanish school in Panama City is air

•conditioned and thus we ensure that the heat and the sweat stay out of your Spanish lessons and we provide you with a fresh temperature so that your brain can function. Each classroom is adequately illuminated and properly ventilated each day to facilitate student's concentration for longer periods of time. Tables and chairs are ergonomically designed to ensure everyone's comfort and the furniture is laid out to allow maximum interaction between the students and their teacher. The whiteboard can be easily read by everyone in the classroom. Each classroom at Habla Ya Panama City Spanish School can comfortably fit 6 Spanish students plus your Spanish teacher (in reality there is space for more but we limit groups to 6 per class). Within a 15 minute walk radius to the school you will find an immense variety of restaurants, hotels, home stays, coffee shops and mostly everything you'll need for a pleasant stay in Panama City.

Course unavailable!

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Terms & Conditions: Habla Ya Spanish School - Panama City

- Services must be paid in full 1 days before the course starts in order to complete the enrolment and secure a place in the course and/or accommodation.
- Bank charges are payable by students
- Students must be 18 years of age or over

Cancellation policy

- The cancellation needs to be communicated in writing to the school by the person who booked the course.

Refund policy

- If a course is cancelled more than 1 days before course start: 100% refund

Visa refusal

- The remaining balance will be refunded to the student upon receipt of an original VISA refusal letter.

Other terms

General Conditions

Habla Ya Spanish School accepts no responsibility whatsoever for students' actions.
The Spanish School is not responsible for any personal items left in the school building, accommodation, volunteering partners, transportation and/or third party companies.
On formalizing enrollment into a Spanish course (and accommodation) students accept the General and Payment Conditions and Payment Method, as well as the norms, rules and guarantees of Habla Ya Spanish School.
Most recent booking for this school was from Brazil and saved €34.28!