Total Price

Standard English

Sterling College London, London, United Kingdom

General English 20 lessons per week

Course title
Standard English
Course hours
09:00 - 13:00
Days of the course
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
School admin. fee
€40.73 tooltip
Lesson duration
Course certificate
Minimum age
Average number of students
Course materials
Mandatory and not included tooltip

Levels: Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1, Proficient - Level C2

This course concentrate on improving your General English and at the same time allow you to improve your language skills. It also allows sufficient time for private study. Once you are at intermediate level and above you can choose different options to improve any weak areas you may have such as: writing, reading, listening or speaking. Your teacher will discuss this with you at the appropriate time.

Sterling College London

43-47 New Broadway, London, United Kingdom

  • Sterling College London
  • Sterling College London
  • Sterling College London
  • Sterling College London

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General information: Sterling College London

Number of classrooms: 10

Average nº of student per classroom: 12

Minimum student age: 16

Level test on first day:

Distance from the airport: 19.7 km.

Closest airport: HEATHROW

Year school opened: 2010

School opening times: 9:00 - 21:00

School close dates: Show


Audio learning
Computer room
Cultural trips
Eating area
Free internet access
Internet WIFI
Printing service
Self study material
Social activities
Television room

Accreditations and quality seals

Student information

•At Ster­ling Col­lege Lon­don we put our learn­ers first. Our stu­dents come from all over the world, rep­re­sent­ing over 75 dif­fer­ent nation­al­i­ties. We have organ­ised the learn­ing pro­grammes in the col­lege so that each indi­vid­ual obtains their own sup­port and plan for their future success. Our con­sis­tently high stan­dards of teach­ing, pro­gres­sive approach to learn­ing, and excel­lent team of pro­fes­sion­als pro­vide stu­dents with not only new skills, but also a ful­fill­ing

Course unavailable!

This course is unavailable, if you want find other English courses go to English courses

Terms & Conditions: Sterling College London

- Services must be paid in full 1 days before the course starts in order to complete the enrolment and secure a place in the course and/or accommodation.
- Bookings are not transferable.
- Bank charges are payable by students
- Students must be 16 years of age or over

Cancellation policy

- The cancellation needs to be communicated in writing to the school by the person who booked the course.
- No course changes will be allowed to make up for refunds in the case of course cancellations.
- Where a cancellation is received 1 days after enrolment there will be no refund.
- The deposit is non-refundable.
- Enrolment fee is non-refundable.
- The registration fee is non-refundable.
- Accommodation booking fee is non-refundable.
- No refund will be made for shortening the course duration after the payment.
- There is no refund for any cancellation once the course has commenced.
- After a course has started there is no refund for any accommodation or other item booked.
- No tuition refunds are given for late arrivals, early departures or absences, for whatever reason, from classes during any course.
- If a student is absent for one or more weeks at a time, arrangements can be made for the course duration to be extended at no extra cost.

Refund policy

- 1- No refunds whatsoever are given for cancellations.

Visa refusal

- 1- No refunds whatsoever are given for Visa refusal.

Other terms

already mentioned above
Most recent booking for this school was from Spain and saved €11.34!