« Return to search | Gallitos No. 6 Col. Centro, Guanajuato Capital, Mexico (Show Map)

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Have you been studying at Escuela Falcon in Guanajuato Capital, Mexico? Just finished a language course at Escuela Falcon? Share your experiences on LanguageBookings.com here!
On LanguageBookings.com you can share your experiences with others. As a student looking to find the best language courses in Guanajuato Capital, Mexico, it is important to be able to have a look at reviews of previews students so that you can benefit from any information that may be available about the credibility and reliability of Escuela Falcon and its language courses.  So if you do find yourself with enough time, write your own review. You never know who you’ll be able to help with your testimonial, after all.

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Most recent booking for this school was from Canada and saved €8.24!