General French Courses in Montreal

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General French Courses develop all aspects of the French language including reading, writing, listening, speaking and pronunciation. The focus is on improving your ability to communicate clearly and effectively which will help you learn quickly the French language.

MIILA, Montreal, Canada
General French 18 lessons per week
Select classes that you would like to attend, for a total of 15 hours per week. Depend­ing on your level, your classes may be sched­uled...
Languages Canada
Course + Accommodation in Student House from €175.47 See + 1 accommodation options More options
  • Student House
    from €175.47 per week
MIILA, Montreal, Canada
General French 27 lessons per week
Intensive The inten­sive pro­gram is a pop­u­lar choice for inter­na­tional stu­dents. It includes 27 lessons per week of gram­mar and...
Languages Canada
Course + Accommodation in Student House from €222.25 See + 1 accommodation options More options
  • Student House
    from €222.25 per week
MIILA, Montreal, Canada
General French 36 lessons per week
If you wish to rapidly improve your lan­guage skills, or if your stay in Mon­treal is a short one, this pro­gram will be per­fect for...
Languages Canada
Course + Accommodation in Student House from €257.33 See + 1 accommodation options More options
  • Student House
    from €257.33 per week

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