International Legal English Certificate in Ascona

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The ILEC exam is a high-level qualification addressed to students who wish to lead a career in international law. All the sections found in this examination (writing, speaking, listening and reading) are about law and its technical terms and procedures. This exam does not only evaluate the level of the English language but also the knowledge of the student in the field of international law.

Scuola Glossa, Ascona, Switzerland
General English + conversation 15 lessons per week
School admin. fee included
English language course - all levels: from Beginners to C2 with extras, grammar and conversation.
Course + Accommodation in Host Family from €568.19 See + 3 accommodation options More options
  • Host Family
    from €568.19 per week
  • Host Family
    from €649.19 per week
  • Host Family
    from €756.26 per week

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